Between our four Senior Agents at Bishop & Associates, we have a combined total of over 75 years of Executive Protection. We have a core team of over 10 Executive Protection trained and certified agents through a nationally recognized school for Executive Protection training. We have handled everything from celebrities, movie stars, sports figures to multiple levels of elected officials including presidential candidates, cabinet officials, along with foreign dignitaries and heads of state. We have handled all of these ranging from individual protection to full sized protection teams, along with coordinating with multiple agencies including the secret service.
We can customize our Executive Protection offering to your specific needs via means of close protection and driving, with an appropriate level of protection as necessary. Our Executive Protection can range from part time only during public events to 24x7 full coverage including attached EMT certified medical support and residential protection teams. Transportation can range from a single agent driving you to campaign events to a dedicated team of drivers trained in defensive and evasive tactics being available full timer 24x7. Venue Security consists of coordinating with the facility for easy access for the candidate and his campaign staff, identifying routes in and out, pre-coordinating the security team access, and pre-screening the venue for potential issues. Active and reactive of social media and email (both personal and campaign) monitoring to watch for keywords indicating a real or false hoax threat against the candidate or campaign.
Specially trained with defensive driving skills and EP training and knowledge to have a understanding on how best to protect the client from multiple types of threats while the principle is being transported. Services can be used to either work directly for the client or used to augment and assist any EP team arriving in the service area and used as a asset given their knowledge on the local roads routes. Vehicles and traffic conditions can be remotely monitored in real time and updates passed from Operations to agents to proactively avoid Atlanta's notorious traffic congestion and accidents that might cause a client to miss or be late for their engagement.
Are vehicles needed to transport the client to a special engagement, while they are in town on a temporary basis, or on a permanent need for security reasons - Or would you like some vehicles instead of transporting the regular client/security vehicles from another state? Have no fear, Bishop and Associates maintains a several vehicles including a BMW Silver 528i and a BMW Black 525i, in addition we have contacts with numerous limousine and armored car companies and can arrange for vehicles of any description from town cars, limousines, to fully armored SUV's and Sedans.